Our CEO, Jeff Kamikow, is featured in a column on Forbes.com this month. The column, “Nine Ways To Build Brand Relationships With Teens On Social Media” is published by the Forbes Agency Council, of which Cross Audience is a member.
The article is focused on ways brands can connect with Gen Z, the generation currently occupying our middle and high schools.
“According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, teens are using YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat more than Facebook. With an emphasis on visual platforms, brands need to adapt to meet the teen audience where they are.
We asked members of the Forbes Agency Council how best to build a better relationship with this younger demographic. Their best answers are below.”
Jeff – who has firsthand experience with Gen Z, every single day – offered his take on how marketers can reach and engage this younger generation.
Reaching Gen Z is a new challenge for marketers. Not only do they eschew Facebook (“it’s for old people”), they don’t even use email. They’re not just digital natives, they’re social and mobile natives, too, and they can see right through your marketing. The best way to reach and engage this audience is with authenticity. And that may mean hiring a Gen Z consultant or two and/or setting up focus groups with teens to see what works best. It’s not just a matter of visual versus other kinds of media, it’s a matter of being real, and earning and keeping trust.